Es una oportunidad para repasar inglés. La próxima se la encargamos a "o Zagal del molinero d´Arco", para que nos la haga en fabla. ¡Hay que saber idiomas!
The honey bees.
Scientific name: Apis mellifera.
Kingdom: Animalia.
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta.
Order : Hymenoptera
Family: Apidae
Genus: Apis.
Specie: Mellifera
General characteristics of the Bees: they have three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. The body is in three parts: head (five eyes -three samples and two composed-), thorax and abdomen with a goad.
Habitat: The honey bee is in all continents except Antarctica, and in all habitats.
Nutrition: They are specialized insects called pollinators that gather nectar and pollen from flowers. As pollinators, they play a very important role in ecosystems worldwide.
Reproduction: As insects, honey bees pass through four distinct life stages: the egg, larva, pupa and adult. The process is called complete metamorphosis, which means that the form of the bee changes drastically from the larva to the adult.
Scientific name: Apis mellifera.

Kingdom: Animalia.
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta.
Order : Hymenoptera
Family: Apidae
Genus: Apis.
Specie: Mellifera
General characteristics of the Bees: they have three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. The body is in three parts: head (five eyes -three samples and two composed-), thorax and abdomen with a goad.
Habitat: The honey bee is in all continents except Antarctica, and in all habitats.
Nutrition: They are specialized insects called pollinators that gather nectar and pollen from flowers. As pollinators, they play a very important role in ecosystems worldwide.
Reproduction: As insects, honey bees pass through four distinct life stages: the egg, larva, pupa and adult. The process is called complete metamorphosis, which means that the form of the bee changes drastically from the larva to the adult.

1.- Egg 2,3 y 4.- Larva 5.- Pupa 6.-Adult honey bee.
Particularity: The honey bees liven in colonies. They are utilized by humans to make your capacity to “pollinater” and make honey, royal jelly, beeswax...
Types of honey bees:
1.- The male members of the colony, the drones, are somewhat larger and make up only about five percent of the hive population.
2.- Worker bees: In any colony are female worker bees. The jobs of the worker bees are: tending and feeding young bees (larvae), making honey, making royal jelly and beebread to feed larvae, producing wax, cooling the hive by fanning wings, gathering and storing pollen, nectar and water, guarding the hive, building, cleaning and repairing the comb, and feeding and taking care of the queen and drones.
3.- The queen bee: There is only one queen in a honey bee colony. She is slightly larger than a worker bee, with a longer abdomen. The adult queen's sole duty is to lay eggs, up to 2,000 a day!
2 comentarios:
M'a beniu una idea to tozuelo, es podria comerzializar a barieda de "miel poliglota"...igual gustaria a sabelo!!!.(jeje).
Ahora sólo queda el conseguir esa miel. Alquimia de nuestros tiempos.
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